Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Homecoming 2011

Homecoming was held at Union Zion on August 21, 2011 and was again another joyous occasion. Union Zions congregational family was happy to welcome home those who had been away for a year. We even saw some faces that had not been there for several years; like Moses Gardner of Baltimore, Md. Brother Gardner who is in his 80s looked very happy to be visiting his old home church. Of course, Retired Pastor Marcus Wood of Baltimore, Md. Was also able to attend and shared with the congregation that he does as little as possible these days. He and his wife also celebrated their anniversary this month.Published authors, Lowell Evans of Virginia Beach and Alta Wood-Wright of Washington, DC were alsoattended. Other representation traveled from North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Connecticut and Delaware.

Pastor Dickerson preached at the morning service and Brother Clarence Davis, guest musician of First Baptist Church, directed the Gospel Chorus. The morning service was followed by a delicious fellowship dinner. While waiting for the afternoon service, guests were given an opportunity visit with those they had not seen for awhile.

The afternoon guests were Dr. Rodney Waller and First African Baptist Church of Richmond, Virginia. He was accompanied by his Youth Choir. Dr. Wallers sermon and the energetic youth choir brought the close of Homecoming 2011 to a close with a spirit-filled conclusion.

The Homecoming committee thanks everyone for attending and look forward to seeing all again in 2012.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Church Updates

Union Zion just completed three nights of revival July 27th through July 29th. We were highly blessed with three inspiring, spirit filled, energetic sermons from Pastor Steven Daniels, Sr. Pastor Daniels is the pastor of Smithfield Baptist Church in Gloucester, Virginia. On Wednesday night, Rising Valley Baptist Church Choir provided the music. We were blessed with music from St. Paul Baptist Church Choir on Thursday night. Friday night, Smithfield Baptist Church music department accompanied their pastor with music and high energy. Union Zion is grateful to Pastor Daniels and Smithfield for helping to make Revival 2011 a big success.

On August 21, 2011 we will be celebrating our annual Homecoming celebration. The special guest for this year will be Pastor Rodney Waller and First African Baptist Church of Richmond, Virginia.

On September 11, 2011, we look forward to our annual youth anniversary. The guest will be various youth groups from Gloucester and York Counties.